Friday, June 13, 2008

Dungeon and Dragons(lovely combo)

Have u guys played the Dungeons and Dragon's board game. If not then u better start playing it. yes it is a bit complicated but it is a lot of fun. It has miniature action figures as the monsters and other characters and the game play seems very real(like a real life fighting). There is nothing that can't be done in this game basically bcos the game adventures can be made as the dungeon master wishes(the one who conducts thegame: tells the story and helps the player. He makes the adventures). There are weapons, races and classes to choose from and a big fat chance to live a hero's life and there is no end to this game(u can extend this game as much as u want). The best part of the game is its upto u what u want i.e finally u play a big role in controlling your own life.(Bye bye Mom Dad: har har!)

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